Covid-19 : We are taking all necessary measures to ensure your safety!

All of our daily habits have been shaken up by the pandemic. Covid-19 has taken us away from our closed ones. For some, it has made us work harder while simply taken us off completely for others. This disease has worried us financially and frightened our kids. We can say that this pandemic has not only hit our province to the core, but also the entire world. Unfortunately, it is not over. While most of us are gradually returning to a more normal way of living, many things have changed along the way. A visit to the dentist is certainly no exception to that!

Dental treatments have gradually resumed as of June 1st 2020. Professionals working at Lapointe Dental Centres are taking all necessary measures to ensure your safety. Strict norms have been implemented and all of our personnel must observe a clear protocol. For example, all team members of a clinic must wear an additional protection gear, which has to be replaced several times a day. Also, following the Public Health’s guidelines, each clinic must take measures to accommodate proper social distancing. At all times, proper hygiene practices are deployed, while maintaining treatment rooms up to the new standards regarding air filtration after using certain airborne-particle-release tools.

Important information regarding your next appointment

  • It will be necessary to fill in a screening Covid-19 questionnaire prior to your visit, when you will get confirmation of your appointment by phone, 24hrs in advance.
  • If possible, show up to your appointment by yourself to limit traffic in the clinic. If you absolutely need to be with someone, the person accompanying you will also need to answer the screening Covid-19 questionnaire.
  • Please respect your booking time to avoid crossing other patients and leaving sufficient time to the team in place to properly clean up for your visit.
  • Limit your personal belongings to a strict minimum, as no checkroom will be available.
  • Please bring your own mask for your visit at the Centre. In case you forget, a free mask will be available for you there.

At the clinic

  • When your time will come to enter the clinic, the secretary will notify you on your cell phone.
  • Someone will great you at the entrance by taking your temperature with a contactless thermometer.
  • You will need to disinfect your hands with provided hydroalcoholic gel. A new Covid-19 screening test questionnaire will be handed out to you.
  • While observing the 2-metre social distancing rule, you will be escorted to your treatment room.
  • You will be asked to place your personal items in a plastic bin and wash your hands again.
  • When finally sitting on the chair, you will be allowed to remove your mask and rinse your mouth for 60 seconds with anti-septic mouthwash.

All those important measures might cause an overwhelming feeling for you. Rest assure, they are only temporary measures to prevent the transmission of the virus. As the end of this ongoing crisis is hard to predict, you must not leave your dental health care behind! Your oral health is certainly not on pause, and requires that you maintain the same healthy habits you had before the pandemic by visiting your dentist on a yearly basis, or more often. Now that we are hard at work to face this new normal, take the time to visit us. Because taking care of yourself sure feels good!

Make an appointment