Invisalign™: how long does treatment last?

Orthodontic treatment with Invisalign™ has revolutionized the way we correct tooth alignment.  Its discreet and practical approach attracts lots of people looking to improve their smile.

However, a question is commonly asked: How long does the Invisalign™ treatment last for various levels of dental complexity?


In the present article, we will explore the factors that influence the length of the Invisalign™ treatment for mild, moderate, and complex cases, and provide essential information for those considering this orthodontic option.


Mild Cases: a smile in just a few months

Mild cases of tooth alignment usually involve small corrections, such as mild rotations or slight spacing.  For these cases, the Invisalign™ treatment can be relatively short, often lasting only a few months.


The aligners are designed to guide the teeth gently and efficiently into the desired position, but the overall treatment time is significantly reduced compared to more complex cases.

A regular follow-up with a dental health professional is always essential, even for mild cases.  This makes it possible to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned, and to make necessary adjustments, if needed.


Moderate Cases: transformation within 6 to 12 months

Moderate cases of tooth alignment generally involve more extensive corrections than mild cases, but they do not require the same length of time as complex cases.  As a rule, the Invisalign™ treatment for moderate cases can take around 6 to 12 months to produce visible, lasting results.


The exact length of treatment will depend on factors such as the complexity of the initial alignment, the individual response of the teeth to treatment, and the patient’s compliance with wearing aligners.  Patients should wear the aligners as instructed by the dental health professional to achieve the best results within the expected timeframe.


Complex cases: several months to over a year

Complex cases of dental alignment may require more time to achieve the desired results.  These cases include problems such as large overlaps, severe bite problems, and other substantial corrections.


The length of the Invisalign™ treatment for complex cases can vary considerably, from several months to over a year.

The complexity of these cases often requires longer treatment plans and more frequent adjustments.  The aligners will be designed to achieve more detailed and progressive tooth movements, which take longer, but deliver exceptional results in the end.


Factors influencing the length of treatment

Several factors influence the length of the Invisalign™ treatment, regardless of the complexity levels of the case.  These include:

  • Patient compliance: regular and proper wearing of the aligners is essential for timely results. Patients who wear the aligners as directed by the dental health professional are more likely to experience rapid progress.
  • Frequency of aligner changes: in complex cases, aligners are generally kept longer to enable gradual adjustments.  This can extend the overall treatment time.
  • Individual tooth response: every patient responds differently to treatment.  Some may see results more quickly than others because of the way their teeth react to the aligners.


Initial consultation and regular follow-ups

Initial consultation with a dental health professional is crucial in determining the estimated length of the Invisalign™ treatment. The dentist or orthodontist will assess the initial alignment, discuss the patient’s goals, and provide an estimate of the time required to achieve these objectives.


Regular follow-ups during treatment are also important to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.  Patients should be prepared to attend regular appointments to ensure that treatment is proceeding as planned.


Impact of technology

One of the reasons why Invisalign™ can offer relatively short treatment times, even for moderate to complex cases, lies in the advanced technology used to design the aligners.  3D modeling software enables dental health professionals to precisely plan each stage of tooth movement.  This predictive approach enables the creation of customized aligners that guide teeth into their final position in an efficient and controlled manner.

The frequency of aligner changes is also taken into account.  In moderate to complex cases, aligners can be changed more frequently to encourage progressive movements.  This intelligent approach shortens total treatment time while maintaining optimum efficacy.


Collaboration between patient and dental professional

The length of the Invisalign™ treatment is based on close collaboration between the patient and the dental health professional.  The patient plays a crucial role by wearing the aligners according to guidelines and following oral care instructions.

In turn, the dental health professional monitors the progress of the treatment, makes adjustments if necessary, and ensures that objectives are met on schedule.  Open communication between both parties ensures that treatment runs smoothly.



In conclusion, the length of the Invisalign™ treatment varies based on the initial complexity of the dental alignment, the patient’s individual response and compliance with treatment.


Mild cases can be resolved in a few months, moderate cases in around 6 to 12 months, while complex cases can take several months to over a year.  The key to success lies in the patient’s compliance, collaboration with the dental health professional, and confidence in Invisalign™’s advanced technology to deliver optimal results within the desired timeframe.

Feel free to book an appointment with your dental health professional at Lapointe Dental Centres here, to get the Invisalign™ treatment that is right for you.


N.B.: This article is for information purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice.  Always consult a dental health professional for recommendations specific to your situation.