Invisalign™: how does follow-up treatment work?

Orthodontic treatment has reached new heights with Invisalign™, offering a discreet and practical approach to correcting tooth alignment.

However, an important question remains:  How does the Invisalign™ follow-up treatment work?


In this article, we will speak about the details of the Invisalign™ follow-up treatment, exploring its importance, key milestones, and essential role in ensuring successful, long-lasting results.


The importance of treatment follow-up

Follow-up to the Invisalign™ treatment plays a crucial role in the overall effectiveness and success of the orthodontic process.  While transparent aligners do most of the work in progressively shifting teeth, close follow-up with the dental professional ensures that the treatment proceeds according to plan.  This enables any potential problems to be resolved quickly and adjustments to be made, if necessary.


Key follow-up steps

Regular appointments

During the Invisalign™ treatment, regular appointments with the dental professional are essential.  These appointments are an opportunity for the dentist or orthodontist to monitor treatment progress and evaluate how the aligners fit.  In general, appointments take place every 4 to 6 weeks, although this may vary according to individual needs and the professional’s recommendations.

Evaluation and adjustments

At follow-up appointments, the dental health professional assesses how the teeth are moving and aligning with the original plan.  Adjustments can be made if necessary.  This may include instructions to continue with the current aligners or move on to the next series, depending on how the treatment is progressing.

Questions and concerns

Follow-up to the Invisalign™ treatment is also an opportunity for patients to ask questions and express concerns.  Should problems such as unusual pain, irritation, or difficulty inserting or removing the aligners arise, your dental care professional at Lapointe Dental Centres can provide advice and solutions.


Patient compliance to follow-up

Collaboration between the patient and the dental health professional is essential for successful follow-up treatment.  The patient must keep the recommended follow-up appointments and follow the instructions given by the dental health professional.  This includes regularly wearing the aligners as instructed.  Open communication between patients and professionals is essential when problems arise.


Benefits of treatment follow-ups

Precise adjustments

Regular follow-ups allow the dental health professional to monitor how teeth react to the aligners and make precise adjustments accordingly.  This ensures that teeth are moving optimally towards their desired final position.

Preventing and correcting problems

Regular monitoring enables any emerging problems to be detected and resolved quickly.  If adjustments are needed to accommodate the movement of teeth, they can be made early, avoiding treatment delays and unsatisfactory results.

Maximizing efficiency

Careful monitoring during treatment ensures that the aligners function as intended and that the teeth move according to plan.  This maximizes the effectiveness of the Invisalign™ treatment, potentially reducing overall treatment time.


Open communication and mutual trust

Communication between the patient and dental health professional is key to a successful follow-up treatment.  Patients should feel comfortable asking questions, reporting problems, and discussing any necessary adjustments.  In return, the dental health professional at Lapointe Dental Centres provides clear information, advice, and recommendations to optimize treatment.



In conclusion, the Invisalign™ follow-up treatment is a vital element in ensuring successful orthodontic results.  With regular appointments, accurate assessments, and open communication, monitoring allows treatment to be adjusted along the way, ensuring that teeth move according to plan.  To maximize the effectiveness of the Invisalign™ treatment and achieve the sought-after smile, collaboration between the patient and dental health professional is crucial.

To book an appointment now and change the look of your smile, click here.


N.B.: This article is for information purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice.  Always consult a dental health professional for recommendations specific to your situation.