Wearing a Mask – Pros and Cons

All over Quebec, masks are mandatory in enclosed spaces. Although sometimes difficult, the habit is becoming part of our lifestyle. Many people seem to find more disadvantages than advantages to wearing a mask. As in all situations, there are pros and cons. Recommended by public health authorities, wearing a mask has an advantage that cannot be taken for granted because it protects us and we protect others by using it properly.

It is true we miss your beautiful smile. It is true that our reality has changed since we cannot see people’s facial expressions in public areas anymore. We know it is not ideal but luckily wearing a mask is not forever. We are well aware of what wearing a mask entails. We wear it at each of our meetings with you and we have done so since well before the pandemic! From experience and with the support of several studies that have proven reliable over time, we strongly support the wearing of masks by all.

You have probably heard about the disadvantages of wearing a mask. For example, it is harder to breathe, to hear the person you are talking to, and your glasses fog up, etc. We agree with this but, at the same time, we would argue that the advantages are far more important in a time of pandemic like the present.

There exists simple techniques to avoid fogging up your glasses, but you need to know them to avoid obstructing your vision. Fogging is created by a condensation effect, like when you take a shower and the mirrors fog up. To remedy this, you can put a tissue or paper towel between the top edge of your mask and your skin, which will absorb the moisture. You can also soak your frame in a solution of distilled water and dish soap and let it dry.

Many people do not know the proper way to use a mask. There is a procedure to follow if we do not want to contaminate ourselves with our own mask. For example, wash/disinfect your hands well before touching your mask. Handle the mask by the straps behind the ears and not by the piece of cloth in front of the mouth and nose. Wash the mask often or change the mask often. Wear the mask over the nose, not under it. Handle the mask as little as possible.

For us, the biggest challenge is not seeing the facial expressions of the people around us. We are creators of smiles and enjoy being in contact with your smile. Now your smile is hidden behind a mask. So we have to find other ways to smile, like with our eyes!

Benefits Worth Considering
You do not smell the bad odours. No need to block your nose when the odors around you are bad. We can now talk to anyone without worrying about their breath or ours!
Added fashion accessory: For the fashion-conscious, it is a pleasure to match your mask with your outfit of the day. Plus, you can support local businesses by doing so!

We can even take this opportunity to emphasize the smile through the eyes! Keep smiling under your mask, we will still notice your emotions. In short, whether you see advantages or disadvantages or both, wearing a mask is now mandatory in closed and public areas. This includes your visit to one of our centers. Rest assured that we will be wearing a mask as well as the necessary protective equipment to protect your health and ours.