Extending the life of removable prostheses

Relining is a procedure used to increase the lifespan of removable prostheses. After several years of continuous wear, the tissues under a prosthesis tend to sag. This phenomenon is known as alveolar atrophy. It is caused in part by the lack of oxygenation of the tissues, added to the fact that, in the toothless regions, there is less bone stimulation.

In such cases, your dental professional will suggest remaking the prosthesis or else relining, if the structures of the prosthesis allow it. If you opt for relining, we will need to take impressions of your mouth. These impressions as well as your prosthesis will be sent to the laboratory to make the necessary changes. The lab technician will then add resin to fill the empty spaces. Most patients experience better stability and less rocking after relining, thus giving them back the comfort of a new prosthesis.

Keep in mind, however, that the best option remains the replacement of your prostheses every five years, or as your dental professional recommends. To properly maintain your prostheses, you must remove and soak them every night to allow the tissues under them to breathe. Once a week, it is also recommended to add a cleaning tablet to the soaking water. The rest of the time, you can soak your prostheses overnight in a warm solution of half water, half white vinegar or dental prosthesis cleaning product.

See Denturology