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A range of dental prostheses

There are different kinds of dentures and a denturist is the professional you need to see when you’re missing one or more teeth. Your denturist will take you through the choices you need to make to maintain tooth alignment, ensure ease of chewing and give you a more aesthetic smile.

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Together with Lapointe Dental Centre denturist Roxane Pinsonneault, let’s look at the various options:

For partially edentulous patients (those who haven’t lost all their natural teeth) whose remaining teeth are healthy, a partial denture made from metal and acrylic can be used.

For fully edentulous (toothless) patients, the denturist will manufacture removable complete dentures, commonly known as “false teeth.” This prosthesis rests on the gum and is therefore easy to remove.
The other solution for edentulous patients is known as an implant overdenture. As the name implies, the first step involves installing implant posts. This type of prosthesis can be fixed (removable only by a professional) or removable (supported by a bar or clips). To learn more about dentures, click on the following link.
Learn more about denturology

A note from the denturist: gum resorption caused by wearing complete dentures (without implants) can be a source of discomfort. For instance, there can be difficulty chewing, the denture can shift and injure the gum, and so on. There’s a solution to these problems, though: dental implants! Implants are radically changing patients’ quality of life by offering the strength and optimal function of natural teeth.

This article was written in collaboration with denturist Roxane Pinsonneault.