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Drawbacks of dental prostheses

Une denturologiste nous rappelle qu’une prothèse n’est jamais parfaite. Mais, il existe des solutions.

Let’s be frank: a removable dental prosthesis, whether complete or partial, is no substitute for your natural teeth. Without a doubt, however, the main advantage of a removable prosthesis is price. It’s also quick to make and easy to maintain, and it’s a natural-looking alternative to your real teeth (shape, colour, alignment, etc.).

However, it is important to note that the teeth on a prosthesis don’t work the same way as natural teeth. A removable prosthesis is held in place by suction, the strength of which depends on the shape of the gums and the palate. Because the prosthesis rests on the gums, it can shift or even come loose in certain situations, hindering speech and chewing.

In some cases, patients will be unable to chew tougher foods, such as carrots, apples and crusty bread. Moreover, because a removable prosthesis covers part of the palate and the taste buds, there will be a loss of taste and reduced sensitivity to hot and cold.

Completely or partially edentulous patients are recommended to consider dental implants, the ideal long-term solution. Dental implants are a very natural-looking replacement for missing teeth. Moreover, titanium implants stimulate the bone, as would the root of a real tooth, thus preventing resorption.

Note: Several types of implant-supported restorations exist: crowns, bridges, fixed or removable prostheses, etc. Consult this link for more information.

Dental implants
Article written in collaboration with Roxane Pinsonneault, D.D.