We offer several financing options to fit all budget.
Global Dental Consultation
Want to replace missing teeth or learn about the various options available to you to improve your smile’s appearance? There are several ways of doing this.

The Global Dental Consultation is the best appointment for getting a complete evaluation of your smile’s appearance.
This free appointment* aims to determine the dental proportions and the optimal aesthetic shape of your smile. It is done with a global vision and with respect to your current financial and personal situation.
The professionals at Lapointe Dental Centres will briefly assess your oral health and then propose various solutions based on three important factors: health, function and aesthetics.**
*See legal notes at the bottom of the page
Book an appointment now!
Scheduling an appointment online gives you faster and easier access to the oral health care services provided by the professionals at Lapointe Dental Centres.
Legal notes
*A $250 value offered by the professionals at Lapointe Dental Centres.
** Please note, however, that before starting any of the treatments related to the solutions discussed, a complete oral examination with fees is required.